Sunday, June 29, 2008

Where the Hell is Matt?

What if our most successful means of communication is the child like spirit that lives inside us?

The web is full of so many opinions, facts, and comments, just like our world. There are so many ways to try to deal with the struggles and various thoughts we see playing out each day in our world. For every action, there are various opposing actions and nothing seems to be the answer. Our world continues to struggle driven by greed and self promotion of the individualistic needs of its people and centuries upon centuries have changed nothing.

Now, I am not much for the Doomsday theories. I have a positive attitude in most situations. I just wonder. How long will we look within ourselves for the answer to our existence? How long will we consider our own selfish needs over the importance of others?

There has to be a way, a way that removes the pain of the struggle. A way that let’s us feel the freedom of not having to appease ourselves all the time. A new way that cuts through the disease that permeates our hearts and leads us to the truth of our own humanity. Restoring us to the freedom we so long for, that exists only in the deep recesses of our souls. Is it possible? I believe so.

A long time ago it was written, “and a child shall lead them…”

Thirsty Traveler said...
"Dancing" speaks of:
...Life. Life is a dance with the triune God.
...Freedom and joy. Laying down our cares, worries, and burdens, living and celebrating each moment.
...Adventure. Not knowing where you will be tomorrow, but celebrating each "today."
...Commonality. There are many different cultures, dress, and dances. It's not how we dance, but that we dance that matters. That we are willing and able to let go and dance.
...Community. There is joy and celebration in dancing solo, but greater joy and impact is found when we share our dance with others.
Share your dance.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ok. Seriously. This stirs something in me. Watch it. Then click the word 'comments' below the video. tell me what your thoughts are about this. What comes to your mind. Then I'll share some ideas with you about it. When you click comments you can do so anonymously so Let's see if we can get a bunch of comments.


Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Joy Comes in The Morning

“Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” Sometimes life gets to be a bit too much with all the challenges, stresses of our routines, or the loss of someone special to us. We have been given a gift from God. One that we should realize is a lot more important to us than it is. That gift is laughter! If your week has been tough for one reason or another, get yourself something to drink, lean back in your chair and watch this video. I guarantee it will make you smile. If it doesn’t, call me and we will setup some counseling sessions. It is a little long, but is well worth the time. The older gentleman seated in the middle has something contagious. It’s a laugh that will make you laugh. We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, "What amazing things the LORD has done for them."Psalm 126:2

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Gas Crunch and Smokey Robinson

It appears that summer may finally be here. The waters have receded from the recent floods and the Gas prices continue to be on the move upwards. With summer comes the traveling season and the inevitable mile after mile of crusin that the youth do each evening in town. Remember the gas crunch in the late 70's early 80's? What better sound than Smokey Robinson to cruise to. This might bring back a memory or two.